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Sunday 13 December 2015

Giving to God.

We keep on hearing these below statements.
"Giving my whole heart to God", "Giving my life to God", "Giving my Talents or money to God".

Really is that True?

In my point of view, God is the owner of every human being and whatever he owns is actually is of God. So whatever percentage that we are saying that we are giving to God, is the portion God has already given to us. We should always be aware of that fact, then we can truly appreciate and praise what God truly is.

But still God values these good expressions as God loves his children with thankful heart.

Monday 17 August 2015

The Term Sucessful

Recently I had a short conversation with my friends regarding the term “Successful” in this generation. From the point of view of many, I have inferred that success according to today’s generation is about financial status and Fame etc. People are doing so much work to achieve that.
But in my opinion, the eternal happiness inside of you is the most important part of successful life. Though nowadays people are always work hard for “to have successful status” for others or compared to others around them; but real success is eternal happiness, peace within ourselves.

It is nothing wrong to follow others methods; but one should understand if that helps us to get eternal happiness/peace?

Sunday 2 August 2015

Overcoming the emotional or relationship attachment to achieve primary goals

Sometimes your relationship or emotional attachment to family may prevent to reach your ultimate goal .In order to realize your dreams; you may have to sacrifice some emotional baggage temporarily to achieve your goal. But that does not mean that you have to hurt your parents, spouse or children, you should be politely ignorant some of the things that may be bothered you a lot. “

In a Spiritual context, as God being the center or priority in your life, no matter what ,the “Real you” can be achieved by involving the way that you can please God. So suppose your closed ones are somehow knowingly or unknowingly preventing you to achieve your Goal, then you should diplomatically comes out of that situation quickly. Sometimes it may take time to realize , So how do you really find out whether you are away from your goal? If you are consistently feeling void , then that’s the alarm that you want to be closer to God the way you were earlier. The fast you realize that fact, the more easily to come out of that struggle.

In Career context; you might had an ambition of achieving particular goal for that you might need  dedicated time and effort.  But suppose being in a family, you are sharing different responsibilities of house hold activities along with your Spouse, E.g: Bringing up the child, Cooking, Doing Household works.   It may be ok as long as you can concentrate and achieve your goal. But if these activities are preventing you to not able to have that dedicated time and effort, then you should find out alternatives. Can I outsource household activities or Cooking? Or agreement with the Spouse about time management to achieve your goal. But You should compromise with your Spouse her career goals also.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Recover the Bullying from Workplace

Worth reading this Article!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Better Communication to please God

Communication is so important among people of all ages. Misunderstandings can be avoided, and great things can be accomplished when there is open communication. Words can hurt or they can encourage, they can teach or they can tear down, but no matter what they are very powerful. They are also a huge reflection of what is in our heart. As Christians, the Lord has given us some basic guidelines in his word about how and what we should speak, so here are my top seven Bible verses about good communication.

Psalm 19:14 (ESV) “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”

I love this verse, though, because the psalmist not only asks for his words to be righteous, but he also asks that the meditations of his heart be pure and acceptable to God as well. Our thoughts and our words need to match what is on the Father’s heart, since he is our rock and our redeemer. Good and healthy communication will then flow from our hearts to our words and then on to the receiver’s ears.

Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

God is always about encouraging us and helping us to live healthy, happy lives. He reiterates over and over again the power of our words, so that is why a discussion about corrupting talk or bad language is also very important. The Lord wants us to build each other up, speaking words of life and affirmation over one another, and bad language will never accomplish that. As a matter of fact, it creates negative labels and responses in the hearer, and it can actually destroy communication between individuals. I believe that Paul’s words here are a very important command to us as Christians, because good fruit (and words) should always be coming out of our mouths. We should be a godly example to everyone around us.

Monday 25 May 2015

Overcoming struggles to become true christian

Currently we are living in a world; where money and fame are the main priorities. People are more conscious about their financial status, their outward appearance etc.. So in order to achieve their priorities they may go to any extend without following basic moral principles. Even media is also one of the best catalyst to enable the virtual reality of life.

Bible teaches many basic ethics that are required for the Christians.

1. There should not be any corruptible words will not come out from believers mouth
( e.g , Empty words, foolish talks, unwanted jesting) Ephesians 5:4.
2. Christian should be holy; and should give up all fornication or uncleanliness behavior.
3.Abide in Jesus through prayer and reading the word of God(John 15:1-15).

God bless you to overcome these common Struggles! 

Contribution to blogs

Read Blesson John's answer to Who are the best soccer dribblers? on Quora